Bling For Hire
Look like a million, feel like a million. Wear a million? For most women, their wedding day is THE EVENT. Aside from the rock they are sporting from their engagement most ladies would like a little extra bling to adorn their necks, ears and wrists. But what if you are not lucky enough to have a safe full of diamonds to choose from? Must you settle for costume jewelry? No! Recently I came across two companies that actually lend out diamond jewelry for special events,
Adorn and
Bag, Borrow or Steal.
These fabulous companies have done all the work for you by bringing together some hot designers with beautiful real diamond jewelry for you to rent.  Rentals can be just for your special occasion or as long as a few months. Adorn will even allow you take the jewelry overseas if you have a destination wedding planned.Â
Before you start filling up your shopping cart, there is some fine print involved. A credit check is run prior to any jewelry being shipped. The jewelry is insured during shipping, and while you are wearing it but if you return the piece after its due date there can be some pretty hefty fines involved. If something happens to the piece of jewelry you may be responsible for 33% of its retail value or more and while the situation is being resolved you may still be racking up daily rental fees. So ladies, read the fine print, because I have only listed the highlights here and each company is different.Â
Once the reading is done, let the bling borrowing begin!